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Fcbga1356 Socket Motherboard

Touchfly Fcbga1356 Socket Motherboards with Intel® Core™ i3,i5,i7 Processor, support Intel® Core™ i3 series 6100U ,Intel® Core™ i5 series 6200U,Intel® Core™ i5 series 7200U,Intel® Core™ i5 series 6500U ,Intel® Core™ i7 series 7500U variable configuration of RAM and memory, custom I/Os interfaces according to your requirements.

  • Touchfly Fcbga1356 Socket Motherboards are widely used in the field of industrial automation
  • Touchfly Fcbga1356 Socket Motherboards are widely used by our customers in the fields of industrial touch screen, industrial control all-in-one computers, and industrial manufacturing.

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Fcbga1356 Socket Motherboard

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    Fcbga1356 Socket Motherboard

    Touchfly Fcbga1356 Socket Motherboard compact board with Intel® Core™ i3/i5/i7 Processor options, support variable configuration of RAM and memory, custom I/Os interfaces according to your requirements.

    • CX-I3 6th Gen

      CX-I3 6th Gen

      Intel® Core™ i3 series 6100U Dual core and four threads 2.3G 2*RJ45 fcbga1356 motherboard

    •  CX-I3 10th Gen

      CX-I5 6th Gen

      Intel® Core™ i5 series 6200U Dual core and four threads 2.3GHz fcbga1356 motherboard

    •  CX-I5 7th Gen

      CX-I5 7th Gen

      Intel® Core™ i5 series 7200U Dual core and four threads 2.5GHz fcbga1356 motherboard

    •  CX-I7 6th Gen

      CX-I7 6th Gen

      Intel® Core™ i5 series 6500U Dual core four threads 2.5GHz CH7511 fcbga1356 motherboard

    •  CX-I7 7th Gen

      CX-I7 7th Gen

      Intel® Core™ i7 series 7500U Dual core and four threads 2.7G fcbga1356 motherboard